Sunday, February 10, 2013

iWatch — the missing link

Is Apple's next product a watch? A wearable device always connected to your iPhone could make your life much easier, and here's why;

Payment and Passbook
Apple owns a huge database of credit cards used in iTunes and App Store. Using NFC chip in an iWatch, payments, loyalty programs and tickets can be verified just by tapping an NFC reader. Apples Passbook app would suddenly be much more usable, and adoption of NFC in stores would likely surge.

Messages, e-mail and calls could display on iWatch. Calls could be answered or declined on the watch.

A gyro and accelerometer could sense movements and light up the display automatically when looking at the watch. An overlay e-ink display could show time and notifications when the display is off to increase battery life.

By allowing developers to create apps for the iWatch, possibilities for sports, navigation, news and other areas would be huge.

If you wear the watch at all times, it could even be used to unlock your devices. Everything from phones, iPads and notebooks to door locks, garage ports and lighting could be controlled by sensing your iWatch presence by Bluetooth.

Apple wants to make the iPhone thinner and lighter. By adding some technology to a satellite device, the iPhone could stay pocket-friendly, yet be more accessible through iWatch.

When do you think we'll see a device like this from Apple? Could be sooner than later...

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